Apologies for the hiatus...but the hiatus will continue. :(

Greetings, everyone. I've been very slack in maintaining this blog lately -- life has become a little hectic. I'm going to have to go out of town for a while and that only compounds the problem. I'm not sure how often I'm going to be able to update, but I'll do my best. Don't expect regular posts until sometime after August 1, just in case.

The good news is that when I return to blogging, I'm going to start a companion blog called Charmed: Books to Run To, and it will contain reviews of all of the best books on the Occult and the Paranormal.

Stay well everyone, and hopefully, I'll post again soon!


Dalim said...

Great news... about the new blog - not the Hiatus or the leaving town... You mus tbe back by August 9 REMEMBER....
See you soon


Smarter Than the Average Cat said...

We've been missing you! Hope everything is well.

/sending positive vibes your way/
